Serving: The server stands behind the baseline and hits the ball diagonally across the net. The first server is chosen at random, usually by coin toss.
Scoring:Only the serving team can score a point.The game ends at 11 or more points. If you win a rally and your team was serving, you win the point.
Double Bounce Rule:The ball must bounce once on each side before volleys are allowed.

Faults:Hitting the ball out of bounds. Volleying before the ball bounces once on each side.Serving into the wrong service box.
Serve Rules:The serve must be underhand and below the waist. The ball must be hit diagonally into the opponent’s service box .If the ball hits the net but lands in, it’s a let and is replayed.
Pay & Play PickleBall — Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, pickleball paddles and balls are available for hire. You will be required to show a valid photo ID, which will be held securely at reception whilst you play! Please ensure that the paddles and balls are returned to reception at the end of your booking.
Absolutely anyone. Pickleball is a great game for all ages – it is based more on control and reactions rather than just power and as it’s on a smaller court, doubles doesn’t require as much movement as other sports.
No. A pickleball is a round plastic ball which weighs roughly half the weight of a tennis ball and has between 26 and 40 holes across its surface. Pickleballs are available to hire or purchase at our Chiswick venue.
Standard advanced booking rights for tennis, padel and pickleball courts are 7 days. New courts are released every day at 7.00am.